Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

美食之旅 3 月 27 日至 4 月 7 日

Power Packs Food Drive. What to donate: anything shelf stable with high protein and gluten/nut free: canned tuna, canned chicken, sunflower butter, beef jerky, oatmeal, beans, or seeds. No protein bars, please, due to nuts and gluten. Where to drop off your donations: Donation box in City Hall Lobby. Drive dates: March 27 - April 7. Donate online (mention Power Packs) https://issaquahfoodbank.org/online-donations/  Organized by Sammamish Youth Board on behalf of the Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank

Sammamish青年委员会和Issaquah食品与服装银行正在组织Power Packs Food Drive,为Issaquah学区内有需要的学生提供食物。

欢迎所有货架稳定、高蛋白和无麸质/坚果的食品,并可以在 Sammamish 市政厅的捐款箱中投递。捐款也可以在Issaquah食品服装银行的网站上在线进行,请务必提及Power Packs!
